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Next Board Meeting: Monday, June 3rd, 2024

May 2024's Board Meeting has been rescheduled to June 3rd

To prevent our next Board Meeting from coinciding with the Memorial Day holiday, the May 27th meeting has been moved to Monday, June 3rd, to allow our community to honor and celebrate the lives of military servicepeople who gave their life to protect their country.

The meeting will be held at 6:00pm both in-person at Station 151 and broadcast over Zoom.

Station 151: 23141 Shake Ridge Road, Volcano, CA 95689
Zoom Meeting ID: 245 867 8782 - Password: M8SNBf (case-sensitive)

We hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend and holiday, and our hearts are with anyone honoring the life of their fallen family member, loved one or friend.

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