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Listed below are links to other sites that provide valuable information.  Click on the red title to go to their web page:

Smart911 Sign up for emergency/community notification via your phone lines.

- Power Outage and Fire Response Resources  A California site with a myriad of information

ALERTWildfire - Lookout cameras situated around our area

- Watch Duty - A useful and intuitive application for tracking the spread and response to fires of all kinds. Available on both smartphones and on your web browser.

- KVGC Radio - Local radio station with news and updates.

Listen Live -  KVGC 

Amador Fire Safe Council - Helping everyone be fire safe and fire wise.  There is a lot of valuable information on this site.

CAL FIRE - Fire Safety information, sign up for press releases, latest fire news and more.

- ACART - Amador County Animal Response Team will help with animals during an emergency

- ETA-Evacuation Teams of Amador - E.T.A. is trained, certified & insured and can be deploy as needed to evacuate animals during disasters.  

- InciWeb - National incident information page


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